656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1


Novosibirsk Branch of IWEP SB RAS

The Novosibirsk Branch of IWEP SB RAS

The Branch staff carries out the fundamental and applied research related with the analysis and assessment of the hydrological and ecological state of water bodies; comprehensive evaluation of the consequences of construction of large hydropower and water management facilities and their impact on the environment; development of mathematical models of hydrophysical, hydrochemical and hydrobiological processes in rivers, lakes and reservoirs and their basins, including interactions between reservoirs and the atmosphere; analysis of hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological parameters of waters of the Novosibirsk reservoir as a natural testing site; scientific substantiation of the organization of hydrological-hydrochemical and hydrobiological monitoring for assessing water quality of the Middle and Low Ob, rivers and lakes in the south of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve. The Branch specialists participate in expert assessments of complex environmental situations, both in Siberia and beyond. They provide the scientific, technical and organizational support for studying water bodies in situ in terms of ecology and rational environmental management.

Head of the Branch –Nadezhda I. Ermolaeva, Dr.Sc.
E-mail: hope413@mail.ru.

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