656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1


Basic state budget projects

In 2021 - 2025, the Institute is working on 5 basic state budget projects:

1) "Study of mechanisms of natural and anthropogenic changes in the quantity and quality of water resources in Siberia using hydrological models and information technologies" (scientific supervisor - A.T. Zinoviev, Dr.Sc.); 

2) "Study of diversity and structural-functional organization of aquatic ecosystems for conservation and rational use of aquatic and biological resources of Western Siberia" (scientific supervisors: D.M. Bezmaternykh, Dr.Sc. and V.V. Kirillov, PhD);

3) "Assessment of seasonal peculiarities of inflow and subsequent distribution of pollutants in the system "atmosphere - atmospheric precipitation - surface water" in the key areas of the Ob basin depending on natural and climatic conditions" (scientific supervisor - T.S. Papina, Dr.Sc.);

4) "Assessment of ecological and biogeochemical situation in the river basins of Siberia under climate change and anthropogenic impact" (supervisors: Prof. A.V. Puzanov, Prof. Y.I. Vinokurov);

5) "Natural and natural-economic systems of Siberia in the conditions of modern challenges: state diagnostics, adaptive capabilities, potential of ecosystem services" (scientific supervisor - D.V. Chernykh, Dr.Sc.).

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