656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1


Laboratory of Hydrology and Geoinformatics

Laboratory of Hydrology and Geoinformatics


The Laboratory of Hydrology and Geoinformatics was established in 1988 (previously called the Laboratory of Informatics). A significant contribution to the formation of the unit was made by S.L. Shirokova (PhD), V.A. Zhorov (PhD) and A.T. Zinoviev (Dr.Sc.), who headed the laboratory in different years.

At present, the laboratory employs 19 people, including 5 Doctors of Sciences and 9 researchers with PhD. They conduct the fundamental and applied developments related to study, assessment, forecasting and rational use of water resources based on mathematical modeling and hydrological analysis of natural processes using geoinformation technologies. Major research fields are hydrophysics and hydrology, computational hydraulics, hydrological thermodynamics, channel processes, hydrological calculations and forecasts, informatics and geoinformation systems, scientific bases of surface and groundwater monitoring.

Head of the LaboratoryKonstantin B. Koshelev, PhD.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7124-3945.
E-mail: koshelev@iwep.ru.

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