656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1


Gorno-Altaisk Branch of IWEP SB RAS

The Gorno-Altaisk Branch

The Gorno-Altaisk Branch is a structural subdivision of IWEP SB RAS

The Branch deals with

• biogeochemical assessment of landscapes and environmental aspects of tourism and mining industry impact on the ecosystems of mountainous areas,

• ecological-economic assessment of natural and economic systems of mountain regions for the purpose of sustainable development.

Its specialists study natural and climatic potential of the Altai Region.

The Branch was involved in the implementation of the following budget projects:


Assessment of the ecological and biogeochemical situation in the river basins of Siberia under conditions of climate change and anthropogenic impact (No. 0306-2021-0003)

Natural and natural-economic systems of Siberia in the context of modern challenges: diagnostics of conditions, adaptive capabilities, potential of ecosystem services (No. 0306-2021-0007)


Biogeochemical features of terrestrial ecosystems in Siberian river basins and their impact on the quality of natural waters (0383-2016-0001).

Formation and development of natural and natural-economic systems in the south of Western Siberia in the context of global and regional climate change and anthropogenic impact (0383-2016-0004)

Head of the Branch – Olga A. El'chininova, Dr.Sc.

E-mail: eoa59@mail.ru.

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