656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1


Laboratory of Aquatic ecology

Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology

In accordance with the Institute's Charter, the Laboratory carries out the fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research in the field of aquatic and biological resources aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge to environmental protection and rational nature management. The following investigations are implemented based on the system analysis method:

- interdisciplinary (complex) studies of the spatial and temporal organization of aquatic ecosystems (biohydrocenoses) of rivers, reservoirs and lakes in North Asia, mainly the Ob River basin and the Ob-Irtysh interfluve;

 - study of biodiversity at the cytogenetic, species, biocenotic and ecosystem levels; biological indication of water quality and assessment of the ecological well-being of semi-aquatic water objects;

 - study of the formation and functioning (structural and functional organization) of aquatic ecosystems influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors;

- study of seasonal and long-term dynamics of abiotic factors, taxonomic composition, structure, functioning, stability and evolution of aquatic ecosystems;

 - assessment of bioproductivity and analysis of a biotic balance of diverse ecosystems of flowing and standing waters.

The development of recommendations on environmental monitoring, management of multipurpose use and conservation of water and biological resources of water bodies for the environmentally safe interaction of the society with water bodies is an important work of practical significance.

For the past 5 years, the Laboratory was involved in several budget projects:

Project 0306-2021-0001 "Studying diversity and structural-functional organization of aquatic ecosystems for conservation and rational use of aquatic and biological resources in Western Siberia"

Project 0383-2019-0001 "Spatial and temporal organization of aquatic ecosystems and assessment of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors

Project 0383-2016-0003 “Spatial and temporal organization of aquatic ecosystems and assessment of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the formation of hydrobiocenoses and surface water quality of the Ob and Ob-Irtysh interfluve basins"

Head of the Laboratory –Vladimir V. Kirillov, PhD.

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