656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1




Within the framework of the program to support the scientific fleet of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the research vessel “209” IVEP SB RAS performed an expeditionary cruise in the water area of Lake Teletskoye on June 5-12, 2024. The purpose of the cruise was to conduct field studies and hydrochemical and hydrobiological sampling in the lake pelagial and estuaries of its tributaries in order to study the composition and abundance of hydrobionts in plankton and benthos.
The work was carried out by the staff of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology of IVEP SB RAS: A.V. Kotovschikov (Candidate of Biological Sciences, S.S.), O.S. Burmistrova (Candidate of Biological Sciences, S.S.) V.L. Paradossky (engineer), P.A. Shipunov (engineer), S.A. Ostroukhova (engineer).

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