656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1




Within the framework of the RAS scientific fleet support program, from June 17 to 20, 2024 the research vessel “199” Research Vessel “199” of IVEP SB RAS performed an expedition voyage in the water area of the Novosibirsk Reservoir. The purpose of the cruise was to conduct full-scale studies of the runoff current in the variable backwater zone of the reservoir in the section Kamen-na-Obi - Zavyalovo with the length of more than 120 km. 

In the course of the research, the Sontek M9 acoustic Doppler flow profiler was used to measure flow velocities, depths and determine water discharges in separate stations scattered along the length of the section. The measuring complex was installed on a motorboat, which was launched from the vessel in the area of the intended site (Fig. 1). Measurements were made during the maximum flood conditions on the incoming river and in the process of filling the reservoir, the water level in the upper embankment was 25-30 cm below the water level limit.

During the four days of expeditionary work it was possible to perform measurements at 9 sites out of 14 planned sites under relatively stable hydrological conditions (both reservoir level and river inlet discharge) (Fig. 2). At the remaining stations, measurements were not carried out or were interrupted due to significant wind disturbance in the water area of the reservoir.

Fig.1. Measuring complex

Fig. 2. Preliminary results of water discharge determination

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