656038, Altai region
Barnaul, Molodezhnaya street, 1




     Within the framework of the RSF grant № 23-27-00253 “Transformation of the land use system as a tool to regulate the carbon balance of the agrarian region”, the project team conducted field monitoring of land plots of agricultural enterprises operating in different natural and climatic conditions of Altai Krai. 
     In the course of field work from July 21 to 25, 2024 on the territory of Burlinsky, Zarinsky and Smolensky districts, information was collected to expand the database of crops, abandoned / unused arable land and pasture land, their further interpretation using remote sensing data and mapping of crop rotations in 2023-2024; development of scenarios for changing the carbon footprint of agricultural enterprises.
     Expedition members: Head, Dr. Bella Alexandrovna Krasnoyarova, PhD. Sofia Nikolayevna Sharabarina, PhD. Tatiana Gennadyevna Plutalova, PhD. Anton Evgenyevich Nazarenko, driver Evgeny Alexandrovich Bronnikov.

Buckwheat. Zarinsky district

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